• khoom

Cawv lim diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim

Cov lus qhia luv luv:

Diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim hais txog txheej txheej lim nrog lub ntiaj teb lim, tsuas yog siv cov neeg siv tshuab sieving, tsuas yog siv cov neeg siv tshuab ua kom pom kev ua kom tiav cov txheej txheem pov tseg me me. Diatomaceous earth filters filtered wines and beverages have unchanged flavour, are non-toxic, free of suspended solids and sediments, and are clear and transparent. Lub lim dej nthwv lim muaj cov kev ua kom pom tseeb, uas tuaj yeem lim tawm escherichia coli thiab algae, thiab lub tshuab lim dej yog 0.5 txog 1 degree. Cov khoom siv npog thaj chaw me me, qhov siab me me ntawm cov khoom siv, cov ntim tsuas yog sib npaug rau 1/3 ntawm cov xuab zeb lim, tuaj yeem txuag feem ntau ntawm cov peev txheej hauv kev siv tshuab; Lub neej ntev lub neej thiab siab corrosion tsis kam ntawm lim cov ntsiab.

Khoom Qhia Qhia

Cov duab kos thiab cov tsis muaj

Daim duab

✧ Khoom nta

Qhov tseem ceeb ntawm lub lim tiam ntawm ciam teb lim dej yog suav txog peb ntu: lub tog raj kheej, wedge mesh lim thiab tswj cov kab ke. Txhua lub taub lim keeb yog ib lub raj perforated uas ua rau lub cev pob txha, nrog cov ntsiab lus qhwv ib ncig ntawm sab nraud, uas yog coomaceous ntiaj teb npog. Lub tshuab lim lub zog yog tsau rau ntawm cov phaj faib, saum toj thiab hauv qab no uas yog cov chav dej nyoos thiab chav dej tshiab. Tag nrho cov kev ntsuas hluav taws xob tau muab faib ua peb kauj ruam: membrane kis, pom kev thiab backingwashing. Lub thickness ntawm lub lim membrane feem ntau 2-3mm thiab cov particle loj ntawm diatomaceous ntiaj teb yog 1-10μm. Tom qab cov kev lim tawm tag nrho, cov tom qab ntxuav tes yog feem ntau ua nrog dej lossis cua tshuab lossis ob qho tib si. Qhov zoo ntawm lub lim dej yog cov kev kho mob zoo, hneev nti me me (tsawg dua 10% ntawm qhov nruab nrab xuab zeb lim).

Ntsug Qhov Ntsuas Hluav Taws Xob
Ntsug Diatomaceous Ntiaj Teb Lim1
Kab rov tav diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim
Cawv lim diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim

Ntsug Qhov Ntsuas Hluav Taws Xob

Kab rov tav diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim

✧ Cov txheej txheem noj qab haus

Kev Pub Noj Ua Si

✧ Daim ntawv thov kev lag luam

Diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim yog qhov haum rau txiv hmab txiv ntoo caw, cawv, kua zaub, tshuaj ntsuab, tshuaj lom neeg thiab lwm yam kua ua kua kom pom tseeb.
1. Cov kev lag luam dej haus: Cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab kua txiv, nqaij npuas, txiv hmab txiv ntoo, cawv txiv hmab txiv ntoo, cawv txiv hmab, cawv txiv hmab, thiab lwm yam cawv.
2. Subcrose, siab fructose pob kws kev phoov, siab frucose syrup, qab zib syrup, beet qab zib, zib mu, thiab lwm yam.
3. Kev lag luam: tshuaj tua kab mob, cov ntshav ntshav, hluavtaws ntshav, tshuaj tshuaj tshuaj Extract, thiab lwm yam.

Daim Ntawv Thov1

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Dimension Teeb Duab Ntawm Liquor Lim Diatomaceous Lub Ntiaj Teb Lim

    Sktension Teeb Duab ntawm cawv lim diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim

    Tus qauv Qho loj(hli) Lub limqhov chaw(hli) Lub limTuajTus nab npawj Ib lub dab tsi uas qhib thiab kawCaliber Theoretical txaus tus nqi(piv txwv li: caw dawb liChav tsev) (T / H) Ua hauj lwmnyem(MPa)
    JY-HDEF-15.9 2450 × 750 × 850 15.9 38 DG32 13-15 I≤0.3
    JY-HDEF-8.5 1950 × 750 × 850 8.5 20 8-10
    JY-HDEF-9.5 2350 × 680 × 800 9.5 38 9-12
    JY-HDEF-5.1 1840 × 680 × 800 5.1 20 6-8
    JY-HDEF-3.4 1700 × 600 × 750 3.4 20 4-6
    JY-HDEF-2.5 1600 × 600 × 750 2.5 15 Thib 2
    JY-HDEF-2 1100 × 350 × 450 2 20 1-3 I≤0.2

    ✧ video


    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa mus rau peb

    Lwm Yam Khoom

    • Ntsug Qhov Ntsuas Hluav Taws Xob

      Ntsug Qhov Ntsuas Hluav Taws Xob

      Cov khoom lag luam nta cov tseem ceeb ntawm cov lim lim ntawm lub lim hiam yog muaj peb ntu: lub tog raj kheej lim thiab tswj cov kab ke. Txhua lub taub lim keeb yog ib lub raj perforated uas ua rau lub cev pob txha, nrog cov ntsiab lus qhwv ib ncig ntawm sab nraud, uas yog coomaceous ntiaj teb npog. Lub tshuab lim lub zog yog tsau rau ntawm cov phaj faib, saum toj thiab hauv qab no uas yog cov chav dej nyoos thiab chav dej tshiab. Tag nrho cov kev ntsuas ntawm kev siv hluav taws xob yog dev ...