• khoom

Diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim

  • Cawv lim diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim

    Cawv lim diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim

    Diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim hais txog txheej txheej lim nrog lub ntiaj teb lim, tsuas yog siv cov neeg siv tshuab sieving, tsuas yog siv cov neeg siv tshuab ua kom pom kev ua kom tiav cov txheej txheem pov tseg me me. Diatomaceous earth filters filtered wines and beverages have unchanged flavour, are non-toxic, free of suspended solids and sediments, and are clear and transparent. Lub lim dej nthwv lim muaj cov kev ua kom pom tseeb, uas tuaj yeem lim tawm escherichia coli thiab algae, thiab lub tshuab lim dej yog 0.5 txog 1 degree. Cov khoom siv npog thaj chaw me me, qhov siab me me ntawm cov khoom siv, cov ntim tsuas yog sib npaug rau 1/3 ntawm cov xuab zeb lim, tuaj yeem txuag feem ntau ntawm cov peev txheej hauv kev siv tshuab; Lub neej ntev lub neej thiab siab corrosion tsis kam ntawm lim cov ntsiab.

  • Ntsug Qhov Ntsuas Hluav Taws Xob

    Ntsug Qhov Ntsuas Hluav Taws Xob

    Diatomaceous lub ntiaj teb lim hais txog txheej txheej lim nrog lub ntiaj teb lim, tsuas yog siv cov neeg siv tshuab sieving, tsuas yog siv cov neeg siv tshuab ua kom pom kev ua kom tiav cov txheej txheem pov tseg me me. Diatomaceous earth filters filtered wines and beverages have unchanged flavour, are non-toxic, free of suspended solids and sediments, and are clear and transparent. Lub lim dej nthwv lim muaj cov kev ua kom pom tseeb, uas tuaj yeem lim tawm escherichia coli thiab algae, thiab lub tshuab lim dej yog 0.5 txog 1 degree. Cov khoom siv npog thaj chaw me me, qhov siab me me ntawm cov khoom siv, cov ntim tsuas yog sib npaug rau 1/3 ntawm cov xuab zeb lim, tuaj yeem txuag feem ntau ntawm cov peev txheej hauv kev siv tshuab; Lub neej ntev lub neej thiab siab corrosion tsis kam ntawm lim cov ntsiab.